RSVP Attendance Survey to the 99th Charter and Inaugural Celebration
February 27, 2018
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
In preparation for the 99th Charter Anniversary and Inaugural Meeting of the Centennial Board on Wednesday, May 30,2018, the celebration will be held at the historical Manila Hotel, where our charter members met.
In preparation, we wish to invite you to fill up the attendance survey below to allow us to determine the number of seats that are to be reserved for Rotary Club of Manila members and spouse, international Rotary guests, friends of members, RI District 3810 Dignitaries and the other 9 Rotary districts of the Philippines.
We will be giving you more updates, ie inducting officer and activities for the 99th Charter Anniversary and Inaugural celebration of the Centennial Board,
The job of your board will only be successful with each one of you on board in each of our milestone activity leading to our Centennial Celebration,
In behalf of your incoming Board, thank you for the trust and support,
Yours in Rotary,
Jesus M Pineda, Jr
President elect RY 2018-2019
RSVP Attendance Survey to the 99th Charter and Inaugural Celebration
Wednesday May 30,2018 6:00 PM Manila Hotel
( ) Attending alone
( ) Attending with spouse ________
( ) Attending with guests: 1- _________________ 2- _______________
By: ___________________. Date: ___________