Rotary was almost fourteen years old when Leon J. Lambert, then one of the leading businessmen of Manila and president of Lambert Sales Co., inspired by what he had heard of Rotary, started to correspond with President John Poole of the International Association of Rotary Clubs, now known as Rotary International.

As a result, on January 12, 1919, Lambert entertained Rotarian Roger D. Pinneo, a member of the Rotary Club of Seattle who had been sent to Manila with a commission to assist in the organization of Rotary Clubs in the Far East, at a luncheon in his home in Pasay with Messrs. E. E. Elser, James Geary, A. W. Beam and F. N. Berry, prominent businessmen of Manila. The five constituted themselves into a committee to proceed with the preliminary steps incident to the organization of a Rotary club. Lambert was elected as chairman, and Berry as secretary of this committee. (Read More)

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Meeting Details:
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rotary Club of Manila is meeting virtually via zoom.
The meeting starts promptly at 12:30 PM and ending just after 2:00 PM. Members,
guests and the guest speaker/s to be on board The speaker is welcome to invite
guests are invited in virtual fellowship by 12PM using the same link provided to the

Meeting Attendees:
The invitation goes to Club members and their guests. Our weekly virtual attendance
is normally 60-70 (both Club members and guests).

Speaking Time:
The speaker will have roughly 20 minutes for remarks followed by Q&A with Rotarians,
who tend to be engaging and inquisitive. After the speaker program is closed, the
speaker is invited to join us for the OPEN FORUM, and the members always appreciate
it if the speaker can stay a few minutes after the official close in case there are additional